Workshop on financial inclusion in Mozambique: Interoperability and literacy
PDF document • 117.97 KB
Presentation Sandra Sequeira
PDF document • 3.61 MB
Presentation Steffen Hoernig
Presentation Esselina Macome
PDF document • 1.08 MB
Press release
PDF document • 117.28 KB
Event report
PDF document • 492.3 KB
Policy Brief: Achieving greater financial inclusion in Mozambique
PDF document • 215.24 KB
This workshop will focus on financial literacy and its potential for fostering inclusive growth in Mozambique. The program will include a presentation by Prof Sandra Sequeira on the results of the project Evaluation of the impact of mobile banking and financial literacy on microenterprise development in Mozambique, a presentation by Prof Steffen Hoernig on the results of his project Interoperability of mobile money: International experience and recommendations for Mozambique, and an overview of the financial inclusion work of Financial Sector Deepening Moçambique (FSDMoc), an IGC partner institution.