SGB Evidence Fund
Finding what works in supporting small and growing businesses
Supporting the development of small and growing businesses (SGBs) in developing countries is key to enabling job creation and poverty alleviation. Although the evidence base in this area is expanding, there is still much we do not understand about how to best support firm growth and create quality jobs. ‘Business as usual’ will not fully address these gaps as learning in the sector is inhibited by behavioural factors and by the technical challenges of rigorous evaluation. At the same time, academic research has been inhibited by the lack of mechanisms to capture the insights of practitioners.
To address these challenges, the Small and Growing Business (SGB) Evidence Fund, a joint effort of the International Growth Centre (IGC) and the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), supports collaborations between researchers and practitioners to understand the most effective ways to support SGBs and the economic and social impact of SGB growth.
The SGB Evidence Fund is made possible by the generous support of the Argidius Foundation, the International Development Research Centre, the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
For questions about the SGB Evidence Fund, contact