Tax for Growth
Tax for Growth is an IGC initiative that supports tax administrators and policymakers in generating effective approaches to make taxation work for development.
Developing countries' tax systems have evolved in ways that are different to those of developed countries. As a consequence, developing countries collect far less tax than their more developed counterparts. Yet an effective tax system is the bedrock of any modern functioning state. Taxation strengthens the ability of the state to undertake the many functions that confer statehood: provision of state security and infrastructure, effective market regulation, and the provision of public goods and services.
The Tax for Growth initiative (T4G) co-generates tax projects with policymakers and builds on the lessons from the economics literature to provide policymakers with recommendations that are actionable, accessible, and tailored to their contexts.
Contact us
If you are interested in engaging with us, please email our team at [email protected].

Corporate tax havens and their impact on development

TRA-IGC-REPOA International Conference on Tax for Growth

How does profit shifting enable tax avoidance in developing countries?

Zambia's debt crisis is affecting its ability to collect tax

Why does Pakistan tax so little?

Administrative data and methodologies for tax policy

Why does Bangladesh tax so little?
Mapping municipal finance reform in developing countries

Research on administrative tax data around the world