A strategy for resource-led development in Zambia
This policy brief brings recommendations to harness Zambia's potential to benefit from the global demand for minerals, including maximising economic value from the mining sector, ensuring sustainable and responsible mineral supply chains, and diversifying the economy into various sectors.
Werker Policy brief September 2023
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This policy brief investigates a strategy for resource-led development in Zambia and brings recommendations under three pillars:
Pillar I: Increase the GNP generated from the mining sector in Zambia
Policy 1: Conduct a geological and geophysical survey of Zambia’s mineral endowment
Policy 2: Allocate exploration and mining rights transparently and publicly and, as part of a digitalisation strategy, with a view to match the right companies with mining opportunities
Policy 3: Develop Zambian workers and suppliers as part of a local content strategy
Policy 4: Formalise and develop the capabilities of small-scale miners
Pillar II: Ensure world-class sustainable mineral supply chains
Policy 5: Facilitate the adoption of supply chain norms and standards among Zambian mining companies
Policy 6: Convene a multi-stakeholder initiative to advise the GRZ on laws and regulations on sustainable mineral supply chains
Pillar III: Leverage responsible mining growth into inclusive development
Policy 7: Develop and implement a resource revenue and expenditure strategy to finance development while minimising volatility
Policy 8: Diversify the Zambian economy, building on the capabilities and resources of the mining sector
Policy 9: Diversify the Zambian economy into sectors that are unrelated to mining
Policy 10: Double down on governance, government effectiveness, and transparency