5th Uganda Economic Growth Forum: Economic resilience, recovery and resurgent growth in Uganda

Past Event Trade, Firms, Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Growth

The Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development, in partnership with IGC Uganda, organises the Economic Growth Forum - a high-level conference on Uganda’s economy held regularly since 2017. The conference provides an opportunity to discuss key growth challenges, learn from policy experiences in other countries, and identify a course of actions to drive accelerated and inclusive growth in Uganda. The theme for this year's Forum is 'Economic resilience, recovery and resurgent growth'.

Planned sessions include:
- Enhancing resilience to shocks
- Climate change and sustainable growth in Uganda: Nick Stern in conversation with Shanta Devarajan
- Using trade to drive the recovery
- Inclusive growth
- Uganda’s strategy in the context of the global green growth agenda

- Policy implementation in Uganda

Any enquiries about the conference should be directed to [email protected]


Session I - Enhancing Resilience to Shocks

Keynote Conversation - Climate Change and Sustainable Growth in Uganda

Session V - Report back from Parallel Sessions