Shahid Vaziralli

  • Head of the Research Programme
  • International Growth Centre


IGC Staff


Shahid Vaziralli is the Head of the Research Programme at the IGC.

His primary responsibilities are commissioning and managing a large portfolio of frontier research projects in South Asia and Africa. He also helps oversee the IGC's Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation partnership in India, which conducts research and capacity building in Bihar.

Prior to the IGC, Shahid spent several years in India as the Director of Impact Evaluation for The Institute for Financial Management and Research, which conducted studies on financial inclusion and banking for the poor. He provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance on social security for informal sector workers and also worked closely with the Ministry of Rural Development to inform policy on agricultural insurance.

Shahid holds a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, where he wrote on sanitation development for flood-prone areas in India and Bangladesh.