IGC Jordan works with policymakers, development partners, and local researchers to create evidence-based policies for inclusive and sustainable growth. Our research covers inclusive jobs, firm capabilities, water scarcity, and refugee labour market integration, and is expanding to energy subsidies, climate change, and green infrastructure. Recently, our work on targeted religious messaging to encourage women to conserve water contributed to a government-led national awareness campaign.
Explore our work

Water roundtable: Adapting to water scarcity in Jordan

IGC Jordan Labour Market Symposium

How religion can encourage women to conserve water in Jordan

IGC launches a new country programme in Jordan

Prospectus of city growth: Rethinking planning in Amman

Urban management: Data lessons from Amman

Amman: An engine of economic growth

The economic and social challenges Amman faces as a fast-growing city
Jordan, a small economy in a volatile region, has experienced limited economic growth and an average growth rate of 2.5% over the past decade. This stagnation is coupled with low private sector development, high youth unemployment, low female labour participation, severe water scarcity, and climate change vulnerabilities.
Since 2023, IGC Jordan has partnered with the government and local research institutions to address these obstacles to growth. Projects have focused on improving labour market matching, addressing social norms around female employment, boosting productivity, promoting green infrastructure, and mitigating water scarcity impacts. IGC Jordan aims to continue tackling water scarcity, enhancing youth and female economic participation, and improving urban development and transportation.
IGC Jordan’s main policy counterpart is the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC). Our collaborations and research efforts are also informed by ongoing policy dialogue with government stakeholders, including the Prime Ministry Office, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Greater Amman Municipality, Department of Statistics, Cities and Villages Development Bank, and Ministry of Local Administration, in coordination with development partners such as UNHCR, World Bank, GIZ, and USAID.