The IGC's research focuses on four key themes: Energy, State, Cities, and Firms. We also provide policy research and advice on current topics and issues.

Sustainable growth for a changing climate

Tax capacity in fragile states: Trends, challenges, and policy options
Policy lessons from the Pakistan floods

Climate priorities in developing countries
How can research help address the impacts of climate change?

Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on Ethiopia
Research themes
We focus on four key themes that are critical to transforming the productivity of people and firms to ensure that growth is inclusive and resilient, and to placing countries on a sustainable growth path. We see sustainable economic growth as the key catalyst through which developing countries can adapt to, and mitigate, climate change.
How firms are established, grow, and trade with one another, and how jobs can be more productive, green, and climate-resilient. Key topics include small and medium-sized enterprises, firm capabilities, labour markets, and global and regional trade.
How cities can be more productive and become centres for innovation while recognising urbanisation’s crucial link to climate change adaptation and carbon emissions. Key topics include infrastructure, public services, land use and planning, and municipal finance and governance.
How access to modern energy can be expanded while minimising future carbon and other emissions. Key topics include energy access, renewable energy, and pollution.
How the state can encourage private sector development and effective adaptation to climate change, including in fragile settings. Key topics include public sector effectiveness, state fragility, tax, social protection, and inclusive labour markets.
Current topics
Explore our thematic initiatives.
Cities that Work is an IGC initiative that builds on our work to translate economic research and practical insight into clear urban policy guidance.
The State Fragility initiative builds on the work of the Fragility Commission to develop and promote actionable recommendations to address dimensions of state fragility.
Tax for Growth is an IGC initiative that supports tax administrators and policymakers in generating effective approaches to make taxation work for development.